some new concept painting for fantasy version of ancient China.
I did them in four days for a game company's art test......I hope they will like it.
sigh....first job is always difficult to get. Even though I really love to work in animation studio, there aren't much chance for me so far. I also love playing video game and love to create a fantasy world for it(like world of warcraft^^). I believe that if I can get experience from game industry, it may also help my animation career in future.....hope hope
man !
you are ready!!!
Go job hunting!!
you will get everything you want^^
THese are beautiful, especially love the mood and lighting in the bottom piece.
fantastic paintings irene!!
I really dig the color scheme of the last one.
dig your stuff, great color job, you'll have no problems landing something in games I'm sure
wow... that bottom one is beautiful.
Im sure your first job aint far away
hey irene! your art is so lovely! i really love the third painting... gorgeous!!!
Irene!!! Good to see you again!! Great work...good Lord, now I have to work harder!!!
Hey, cool stuff here. And good luck with that art test.
Awesome pieces :D
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